Bad Parenting delves into the disturbing domestic life of a young boy, Alex, who uncovers dark secrets within his own home on his seemingly forgotten birthday. As the day progresses, Alex’s excitement turns to dismay when his mother forgets his birthday and the birthday gift she had promised. This oversight marks the beginning of a bizarre evening, as tensions between his parents escalate, leading Alex to retreat into the unsettling comfort of his room, setting the stage for a night filled with more than just familial discord.
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Bad Parenting delves into the disturbing domestic life of a young boy, Alex, who uncovers dark secrets within his own home on his seemingly forgotten birthday. As the day progresses, Alex’s excitement turns to dismay when his mother forgets his birthday and the birthday gift she had promised. This oversight marks the beginning of a bizarre evening, as tensions between his parents escalate, leading Alex to retreat into the unsettling comfort of his room, setting the stage for a night filled with more than just familial discord.
In an attempt to soothe Alex, his mother recounts a bedtime story about Mr. Red Face, a mysterious entity that supposedly rewards well-behaved children with gifts at night. The tale, meant to comfort, instead sows the seeds of a chilling adventure. That night, Alex is awakened by peculiar noises and glimpses a shadowy figure resembling the story’s character in his room. By morning, a new and oddly familiar doll sits by his bed, its appearance a grotesque mimicry of Alex, introduced by his mother as a belated birthday gift from the elusive Mr. Red Face.
The new doll, unsettling in its demeanor, beckons Alex to the kitchen under the pretense of revealing something spectacular. Demonstrating inexplicable abilities, the doll manipulates the physical environment in bizarre ways, hinting at a deeper connection with the supernatural elements of the house. During these eerie interactions, the doll insinuates disturbing allegations about Alex’s father’s sudden disappearance, attributing it to Mr. Red Face’s judgment over his purported misdeeds. These revelations begin to peel back the layers of a more sinister plot entangling Alex’s family with the supernatural.
Compelled by the doll’s hints and desperate for answers, Alex discovers a hidden pathway through his wardrobe that purportedly leads to another realm where he might find his father. Stepping through, Alex finds himself in a surreal landscape that starkly contrasts the familiar confines of his home. This new world, bizarre and labyrinthine, challenges Alex to navigate its enigmas to uncover the truth about his father’s fate and the real nature of Mr. Red Face.
In this alternate dimension, Alex encounters various entities, each revealing fragments of the truth about his father and the mysterious Mr. Red Face. As he delves deeper, the distinctions between friend and foe blur, with each character’s motives shrouded in ambiguity. Here, Alex must use both wit and courage to decipher the cryptic clues and challenges laid before him, each step bringing him closer to understanding the true nature of the horror that has befallen his family.
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